Styr Labs Badwater135 2017
The, ” Styr Labs Badwater135″in Death Valley is said to be the hardest foot race in the world.
Article in Ultrarunning Magazine April 2017
I was recently featured in Ultra Running Magazine with an article written by my husband, Spencer Markle.
Badwater135 2016
Filling out the application I was so excited this time in January has finally come! I had met the director, “Chris Kostman”, three years ago at the Florida Keys 100 mile race.
Badwater135 Worlds Toughest Foot Race
I am tapering now in training preparing myself for the 135 mile race in Death Valley California.
Brazil 135 Mile Race 2016 Finisher
The excitement started when I received the acceptance letter from Mario Lacerda telling me I was in to race the Brazil 135!
Brazil 135 Mile Race 2016
I am off this Saturday to Beautiful Brazil! I am so excited and blessed to be a part of the adventure.
Cleveland Endurance Run
Leaving on Friday for Cleveland, Ohio I had mixed feelings about this race.
OFF To The Race!!!!!
The Rocky Raccoon Race results turned out very satisfying for me!
Rocky Raccoon 100 Mile Ultra Run
My husband and I went to Huntsville on Friday evening after working eight hours heading for the, “Rocky Raccoon 100 Mile Ultra Endurance Run.
New Minimalist Running Shoes
After my Florida Keys Race back in May of 2014 my hips were on fire.